Sunday, January 18, 2009

Charles A. Spradlin, Sr., Man of Impeccable Character

To say that Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. is a kind, compassionate, and honest individual would be quite an understatement. He is, in my opinion, the most Godly and God fearing man I have ever had the distinct honor and privilege of knowing. Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. has more zeal and perseverance than anyone I’ve ever known. He is truly a man of impeccable character.

I first became acquainted with Charlie (I will from now on refer to Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. as “Charlie” since I consider him a close friend.) in early 1999 as a business associate. I established Mt. Whittmore Enterprises in May of 1996, as a small mail order company in Northwest Arkansas. We sold informational booklets on “Self-Sufficiency”, and most specifically, “How to Produce Your Own Electricity”. I learned from a friend and business associate, that a man residing in Westfield, Indiana had similar interests and information about a new technology on electricity production. That really perked my interest, since I was intently involved in a home project, building a hybrid electricity producing system.

I contacted Charlie by phone and discovered he owned a business known as Sonship Industries, Inc., which distributed an array of revolutionary, energy saving, and home improvement products. He was also involved in an electricity production project. All of this was very intriguing to me. After many subsequent conversations, I made the decision to become an independent contractor of Sonship Industries, Inc., happily offering a very extensive and diverse product line. Thus began a long and rewarding business relationship with Charlie and Sonship Industries, Inc., which started in April of 1999. Over the following months and years, a very strong bond of trust developed between us. I must say, I was always able to count on him to come through with every agreement, deliver on time every product (as far as it was in his power to do so), be punctual with every meeting, provide thorough and accurate documentation, and always follow through with everything I requested of him. I entrusted him with large sums of money and visa-versa. He was always honest and above boards with all his business dealings.

As time went on, I was able to know Charlie on a more personal level. We talked about our families, hobbies, and aspirations and concluded we had other mutual interests; that being ministry and humanitarian endeavors around the world. By the end of the year 2000, my wife and I established an international ministry called, “Christian Discipleship International”, now know as “LIFE Aid Foundation”. In 2007, we also began “Freedom’s Hope Ministry, Inc.” Both organizations are nondenominational ministries committed to bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations; offering humanitarian aid, educational programs, and other helps in over thirty countries worldwide.

My good friend, Charlie, has given us much support with the above ministries, in the area of guidance and counsel; this derived from his vast knowledge, education, and expertise. He truly is a man of integrity and impeccable character.

Why would I take the time and effort to write and post the above; not to mention divulging personal information about myself? I did it because Charlie would do it for me. You see, Charlie has been unfairly, maliciously maligned and quite frankly demonized by individuals on the internet. These people relentlessly spew out slanderous accusations having to do with some sort of alleged insurance fraud. I assure you that Mr. Charles A. Spradlin, Sr., has never been involved in anything illegal, unethical, or dishonest of any kind. These allegations babble on about a life insurance program by the name of “Freedom 7” ( which these people know nothing about, I might add). I am not going to elaborate here in detail about that wonderful program. But, suffice it to say, the “Freedom 7” program was the most cleverly conceived and mutually beneficial life insurance plan I have ever come across in my entire life.

Several years ago, after a thorough investigation, my wife and I decided to enroll in the “Freedom 7” program. We both received thorough physicals (one hour and a half each) at NO expense to us, and in the comfort of our own home. One of the best aspects of the plan was NO out of pocket expense of ANY kind on our part, not even the premiums, which were paid by a 3rd party. This may sound too good to be true, but in fact, it was a reality. Right up until the time it was forced out of existence by big money making interests (insurance industry at large), who felt they were going to lose some of their great wealth by policy holders that would drop their policies and enroll in “Freedom 7”. The little guy never seems to have a chance when up against “Big Industry”. There are perhaps hundreds of examples of this.

When “Freedom 7” ended NO ONE lost a dime because NO ONE had to pay anything. If there’s NO injured party, then there can NOT be the existence of any kind of scam or “fraud” as they put it.

And another thing, these lying, malicious people allege that Mr. Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. was the originator of the “Freedom 7” plan, yet in fact, his involvement was limited to sharing this great plan with friends and acquaintances; enrolling himself and his immediate family. Not that there was anything wrong with formulating such a plan; I wish I was just as intelligent as those individuals, which by the way, were professionals, experts in the field of life insurance policies and the law pertaining to it.

For more information on the “Freedom 7” program or a bio of Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. see the following:

The bottom line is; Charles A. Spradlin, Sr. is a wonderful , Godly man. I feel most honored and privileged to know him personally. I see him as a close friend and a brother.

May God bless you, Charlie!!!

Michael R. Furman
Director of LIFE Aid Foundation
President of Freedom’s Hope Ministry, Inc.